Research Management Committee (JkPP)
Research Management Committee (JkPP) means a committee formed to discuss and make decision pertaining to the management of research.
The Committee is chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and its members as shown below. Center for Research Excellence & Incubation Management (CREIM) to act as the secretariat.
Current List of JkPP members;
- Deputy Vice Cancelor (Research and Innovation) (Chairman)
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FP
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FRIT
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FKI
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FBIM
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FSSG
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FF
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FUHA
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FBK
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FPP
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FIK
- Dean and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) of FSK
- Dean of PPS
- Director and Deputy Director of PPT
- Director of PUSPA
- Director of SPaQM
- Director of UniSZA PRESS
- Director of PAKAT
- Director of INSPIRE
- Director of ESERI
- Director of CREIM
- Deputy Director (Research Management) of CREIM
- Deputy Director (Innovation and Commercialization) of CREIM
- Representive of UniSZA's Treasurer
- Representive of UniSZA's Library
- Chairman of UHREC
- Chairman of UAPREC